Brand Damage: Aperol & Execution

Brand Damage: Aperol & Execution

Who's crushing it: Aperol

The "italian apertivo" is riding a wave after a blend of a key partnership, trend surfing, consumer health choices, and a social-friendly lifestyle product.

Aperol became an official partner of the U.S. Open which kicked off this month and by way of events sponsorships and onsite venues, the brand is set to reach a ton of people within a major market.

Over the last four months 'Spritz Season' has been in full effect across TikTok which has led to hundreds of millions of eyeballs seeing the product and many of them tasting and sharing.

To date, sales for the company are up 72% for the year as Q3 comes to a close.

Who's not: Spotify

Despite pulling in revenue of $3.5 billion over Q2 and acquiring more premium customers, the streaming titan is reporting increasing losses and has still yet to reach profitable status.

Over the same period they reports losses of $330 millions dollars and that's after nearly $150 million in Q1.

According to the Motley Fool, the company is running -7% margins but the tone coming from headquarters is that they are cleaning up spending, re-investing into the operations for future success, and recovering from Q1's wide layoffs.

A thought on brand:

Execution is the name of the game.

Be it content, sales, operations, strategy, relationships, culture, etc.

Whether you're just starting a 'brand', blowing up, or rebranding, execution is a narrow, risky path we must walk.

On one edge of the path you have audacity.

On the other, arrogance.

Authenticity will help you navigate the middle.

(DB) |
